
Monday, February 20, 2006

The Free Gift

About once a quarter Clinique comes out with their free gift promotion. You know the one. Where they price everything just above the minimum purchase price requiring you to buy and additional $32 lipstick that you really didn't need just to get the free gift.

I was at the mall with my friend K a few weeks ago and Clinique was running the special. Unfortunately I don't use this particular line of cosmetics. No free gift for me. K, however, does. K makes a purchase that awards her the obligatory free gift. Of course I am a little jealous, because who doesn't like buying something to get something free? I actually considering purchasing something so I too could have the free gift. Of course what would I have purchased? Lotion.

Anyway, we leave the department store 1 free gift richer. (ok K was richer by it, but I live vicariously through her sometimes)

About a week later I get this package in the mail from K. I love mail. Especially surprise packages! I open it up and lo and behold the package contains a free gift from the Clinique counter!! The little note read that she needed some moisturizer and got another free gift. So she sent it to me. Isn't that just too sweet? Aren't I lucky to have a good friend like this? I am. Thanks K!

This quarter's free gift is pretty cool. 2 cute little bags, a little mascara (jury is still out on this one), a lipstick (almost a rockin' color on me) and a little eyeshadow. I am not one for much eye make up, but on occasion I like to look a little more than a mousy housewife. The colors are even decent in this one. A soft pink, a cocoa brown and a steel blue.

Blue? I don't think that even in the 80's I wore blue eyeshadow. I try out the pink and brown. Love them. However, today I thought I would give the blue a shot. Yes people... I willingly put on blue eyeshadow. I am not exactly sure if I should be proud of this or horrified. It actually looked half way decent.

My god! Am I going throwback? I have the sudden urge to hunt down some stirrup pants and leg warmers. Thank god my hair isn't long enough to put in a side pony tail. Someone might have to do an intervention.


Jennefer said...

I used to always buy Clinique's face soap bar to get the free gift because it was the cheapest thing they sold. Then they changed it so you had to spend a certain amount of money. I haven't gotten a free gift since, but I love those things too.

That was very nice of your friend. I order stuff on ebay and amazon just so I can get packages in the mail. Scary I know.

Rhonda said...

LOVE free gifts, even if I have to pay for them. I am DANGEROUS with home shopping network. They give away lots of free gifts.

Also, if you put your hair in a side ponytail and wear leg warmers can you please post a photo?

Jenny said...

Our free gift wasn't available until today and my mom spent a frotune there Saturday, she was pissed.

Anyway, blue eyeshadow actually is ok now. it isn't that tiffany blue it is subtle and actually can accentuate the color of your eyes. My eyes are green and I wear blue eyeliner and shadow alot.

Have fun with your makeup!

Maggie said...

I bought this eyeshadow packet that's supposed to accentuate your eyecolor. It has a nice bronze color and then two shades of blue. I didn't use it for a while because, well, it's BLUE. But after feeling brave one day, I've decided I actually like it.

PinkDevora said...

Elle, I love your blog. Just discovered it via rhondaandbrianwaiting.blogspot.com.
I am *quite* jealous of your design. So, so creative.

So, yeah, blue eyeshadow is in. I went thru a few rounds of Lancome gifts before I tried a blue eyeshadow they had included in one of them, and...I actually liked it. I wear blue eyeshadow all the time now! Shocking but true.

Hm. Where *did* those legwarmers go? I know I had some...